

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Well, I  had hoped to be getting lots of things accomplished this week.  We are doing ok, but not doing double in anything.  Maybe tomorrow.  Do you ever have days when you just can't seem to get motivated beyond what you have to do?  I am having one of those days.  I hate feeling like this.  I have been researching a little on post-hysterectomy recovery and it is getting a me a little down, I really need to get it in gear and accomplish some things before next week. 

We are enjoying the cooler temperatures this week!  (Finally!)  On Monday we had cheesy potato soup and buttered rolls.  Just perfect for fall. 
The acorns keep falling and hitting my roof.  At first, I thought there was something ON my roof.  We have a lot of trees on our yard and quite a few are oaks. 

The kids and I went out yesterday and picked up a big basket full of pinecones from our yard.  We probably could have picked up 2-3 more, but that was enough.  Maybe we will use them in a Christmas craft.  We will see.

I am hoping that tomorrow will be better.  I need to make a list  and prepare some things for the kids to do the week after my surgery.  My parents are coming to visit and will stay for a few days, so I'm not counting on school for a few days.  I just don't want to get weeks behind, when we have gotten off to such a good start this year.  I am counting on getting in some reading for all of us!  Some read alouds and  some books for individual reading!  I know that that will be something they can continue on their own!  Any ideas?  Any book suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Pam, I hope everything goes well for you. You will be in my prayers. I have a secret, but you will need to check out my blog post on Monday 10/11 for the details. I voted for you on the Picket Fence.
