

Friday, October 1, 2010

Friday wrap-up

Here it is Friday and I've finally gotten around to blogging.  It has been a pretty usual week around here, except that we have had so much RAIN. (We really needed rain, but not so much at once.)  School has gone pretty well.  My son and daughter are doing so good at multiplication and spelling this week that I have been less concerned about getting everything else finished.  Those are the focus this school year. 

We have started our study of Brazil and we are all enjoying studying all the different animals, fruits and spices of the rain forest.  The kids are really getting into the geography game, also.  This weekend I hope to do some fall baking and talk more about spices.

We made some Kool-aid Playdough.  I've had the recipe for a few months and finally decided to get it out and make some.  It was so easy.  It only took around 10 minutes, total!  It turned out really nice and the kids played for 2 hours after we made it, so it was definitely worth it!

Kool-aid Playdough

1/4 cup salt
1 cup all purpose flour
2 tbsp cream of tartar
1 envelope Kool-aid
1 cup water
1 tbsp vegetable oil

1.  Mix flour, salt, tartar, Kool-aid and water in medium saucepan.  Stir in oil.
2.  Mix over medium heat 3-5 minutes until mixture forms a ball in center of pan.
3.  Remove from pan.  It will be hot, knead until soft.
4.  Store in a Ziploc bag or airtight container.

It is suppose to smell like the flavor, ours must have been old.  There was hardly any smell.  We also added some food coloring to ours, before kneading.

We may make some more this weekend, but first I need to buy some cream of tartar.  We used it all in the last batch.  Quick and easy.   Hope you and your little ones enjoy!

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